The Independent Energy Efficiency Program and its member utility systems are pleased to present this 2022 Annual Report. The Report summarizes Program activities from the past year and provides cumulative data illustrating energy savings and environmental improvements that are the result of the IEEP’s ongoing efforts.
We encourage you to review this Report and take a “virtual tour” of 38 villages and cities where municipal electric utilities are working together to attain the lofty goals of energy efficiency in New York State
Where We've Been and What We've Said
An overview of past IEEP statements and targets helps illustrate the constant evolution of energy-efficiency efforts among New York’s municipal electric utilities in the 21st Century. Here are some highlights:

2002 Annual Report

2003 Annual Report

Excerpts from the 2004 Annual Report
“Changing the types of products that are available in the municipal market has a positive effect on behavior. The market transformation efforts of the IEEP have resulted in the installation of more than 60,000 energy efficient lighting technologies and the purchase of more than 1600 energy efficient appliances.”
“. . . the IEEP understands that real accomplishments and real market transformation happen on the ground, one light bulb and one commercial or industrial customer system improvement at a time. The IEEP is getting things done on the ground, installing real technologies that you can see and touch.”

2005 Annual Report

2006 Annual Report

Excerpts from the 2007 Annual Report
“Moving into a ‘new energy era,’ utilities need increasing amounts of skill and adaptability—reaching across the traditional utility disciplines into the real integration and sophistication of utility operation. The IEEP is a resource for integrated utility operation of member systems.”
“. . . interest in ‘going green’ has never been higher. Concern for global climate change is clearly a driver in this area. Consumers are increasingly aware of how their purchases and actions affect their global environmental footprint. They are seeking out green products and services. Corporations of all types are also responding and doing what they can to become green.”
“. . . members of the IEEP face challenges in meeting the expectations of their government, their customers and themselves.”
“There are sufficient economic opportunities for energy efficiency, and for approximately the past two years energy efficiency has been the largest growing single economy in the world.”

2008 Annual Report

Excerpt from the 2009 Annual Report
“Customers understand that the delivery of reliable, economic and high quality energy is no longer the only commodity that utilities provide. Participation in the IEEP demonstrates the members’ commitment to be energy service providers and to provide invaluable services to customers beyond the meter.”

Excerpts from the 2010 Annual Report
“. . . the IEEP has benefited from the current popularity of ‘green thinking,’ but it is also true that the IEEP has been ‘thinking green’ from its beginning, while some of the largest and most influential corporations of the world are only now embracing this mindset.”
“Reduction of peak demand, through energy efficiency and demand response programs, will be a significant resource in the future.”
“The total number of dollars invested by the IEEP since its creation is approximately $21,000,000 . . .”

2011 Annual Report

2012 Annual Report

2014 Annual Report

2015 Annual Report

2016 Annual Report

2017 Annual Report

2018 Annual Report

2019 Annual Report