The IEEP offers its New York municipal utility members the opportunity to “tailor-make” an energy efficiency program built to the specific needs of that system. The breadth and depth of the utilities’ commitment to energy efficiency grows significantly each year.
To accurately report and responsibly present program activities and accomplishments, the IEEP has created "Symbols of Energy Efficiency." These icons, arranged according to benefit-class below, highlight energy-saving measures that are being implemented by IEEP member utilities. The IEEP uses these icons in many collateral materials for consistent and clear representation of program options as well as an indication of utility member program participation.

Customer Benefit
The IEEP Customer Benefit component is getting things done “on the ground” in utility customer homes & facilities. Choices of technologies implemented are determined by consideration of the overall utility landscape, specific load circumstances, specific customer circumstances, and above all, the customers themselves.
Clicking an icon will provide more information about the corresponding program option.

Appliance Advantage

Appliance Recycling

Residential Lighting

Commercial Customer Opportunities

Tame the Refrigerator Monster

Energy Management

Commercial Lighting Upgrades

Commercial New Construction Opportunities

Emergency Standby Generator

Energy Efficient Loan Support

Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning

Residential New Construction Opportunities

VIP Insulation Options

Support for Low-Income Customers

Commercial Refrigeration

Variable Speed Drives

Heat Pump Water Heaters

Heat Reclamation

Shade Tree Program

CFL Recycling

Premium-Efficiency Motors
Renewable Technologies
Renewable energy technologies produce safe and reliable electricity from naturally available, non-polluting resources, such as the sun, wind, and others. The IEEP is committed to advancing new and existing technologies of all types, with an emphasis on education about, and demonstration of, renewable energies.
Clicking an icon will provide more information about the corresponding program option.

PV Energy Systems


Combined Heat & Power

Hybrid Vehicles

Wind Energy

Solar Water Heaters
System Benefit
The IEEP System Benefit component focuses on the overall operation of the utility and specific utility operating circumstances. System Benefit measures focus on the specific needs of the member system operation, improving efficiency in multiple customer classes.
Clicking an icon will provide more information about the corresponding program option.

Smart Metering

LED Technologies

Technical Assistance

Customer Information Systems

Supervisory Control & Data Acquistion

Demand Response

Infrared Technologies